About Us

Laurie Claire Credit Consulting will work with you to optimize your credit by showing you what can be done to improve your credit profile and reporting. We are focused on helping our clients understand how to make better credit choices and ultimately improve their financial future. Learn more about us below.

Credit Optimization You Can Trust

At Laurie Claire Credit Consulting, we understand how important your credit score is for your financial future. That's why we'll work with you to ensure your report is as accurate and positive as legally possible.

What We Do

Laurie Claire Credit Consulting will help you to determine how best to improve your overall credit profile. Credit education, consulting and restoration is essential for anyone looking to maintain good credit throughout a lifetime. There are simple concepts and practices that Laurie Claire Credit Consulting can help anyone understand. That's why our consultancy is the credit optimization and restoration service of choice for many.

Looking for Credit Optimization?

Learn why Laurie Claire Credit Consulting is often the Credit Specialist of choice for many.

  • Do you need better credit so you can make a big purchase? Are you looking to purchase a home? Qualify for a mortgage? Open a credit card? Get a personal loan? Understanding Credit Optimization, establishment and restoration will definitely help.
  • Laurie Claire CC offers ANYONE who contacts us a COMPLIMENTARY, FREE CREDIT REVIEW.  If you don't have a current credit report you can order one for $1! 
  • We’ll work with you to optimize your credit, ensuring lenders get a fair, accurate view of your history.
  • Once you're on better financial footing, it will be easier to improve your credit score.

Why people believe in us

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